The precinct for the community of Alexandra comprises a school, 2 creches, an old age home and the historically significant community church. The revitalisation of the Community Precinct, Adopt-A-Precinct. Building on the amazing work done by St David’s School in the construction of a new school in Alex plus the refurbishing of the Old Age Home and Creche. R10 Million has been meaningfully spent and completed, but R6 Million is still required to complete the Precinct; Old Age Home, Creche and infrastructure. Adopt-A- Project, is working closely with Dave Hamilton-Brown on the construction and with the local residents in terms of collaboration. We need to raise the R6 Million to complete this project.

Please let us know if you or your Organisation can assist or if you need more information by sending an email to Gcina Twala –

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    Adopt-A-Project is a

    Proudly Adreach Group Initiative

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